1. Each member may only have one trade thread open at a time. These trade threads will stay open for two weeks, then a member can open a new one. You may request to close your trade thread before the required two weeks.
2. Sending items by BearMail is not allowed, send a trade request instead.
3. Once a deal is made, do not trade the items to someone else or change your mind at the last minute. It's recommended you hide the item you're going to trade, or put it in your attic etc to avoid trading it away by mistake.
4. Do not talk about trading outside of this section. This includes sending private messages, talking about trades in chatbox, etc. Trading is to be kept in the trading section.
5. Do not double post unless replying to trade offers.
6. The trading section is for trading Bearville items and codes. Real cash for Bearville items is not permitted. However, Bearville Outfitters credit items (e.g.: a PSI for two Bearville Outfitters credit items of choice), BVO credit codes (e.g.: an item/code for a BVO credit code), furry friend/Smallfry codes, and generally any working codes are allowed to be traded.
However, please trade codes at your own risk, we do recommend and advise best that you trade Bearville items for Bearville items, but we do keep this option open for those who are willing to take a chance and jeopardize your Bearville trading safety.
Although we try our best to maintain a good trading experience, we cannot fully guarantee a safe and fun trading environment, thus why the trading rules are established.
Therefore, if you were scammed, Bearville Expert is not responsible for any losses etc. Please email
vwhelp@buildabear.com to recover your items if you were scammed.
Not following these rules can result in you being removed from the trade section.
Bearville Expert terms apply, as they do throughout the board.